To job seekers across Canada during the pandemic…

The past few days have certainly created significant changes and challenges for Canadians due to the current coronavirus outbreak. 

It has been heartwarming to see so many business leaders across our nation so quickly step up and take a human centred, preventative approach that puts the health and wellness of people first.   Thank you! 

During the next several weeks, as we embrace the advice, tips and strategies from our health authorities & gov’ts we hope for the best possible outcomes for all. 

For all those who are in active job search mode and those that may soon be impacted due to the specific sectors & businesses that are being disrupted, keep moving forward!  This is temporary.  We will just need to adjust our activities and perhaps our timelines.

Each day, you can use the technical tools we have available to continue to research companies, careers, and gather insights that shed light on current and future opportunities. Continue to build on who you want to work for, who needs your skills and how you want to introduce yourself. 

While so many employees will be working from home, you can still connect via social media / on line communication to have some good career conversations about up coming needs, current changes to their recruitment strategies, getting feedback on your materials, asking for advice on any concerns or obstacles you may have. 

Just know, this shall pass and although our world may change in some ways, your skills and experiences will be needed in many, many places.  Taking some time to learn new skills, expand your knowledge, catch up on reading the latest insights in your field will be good uses of your time…..but also, you may want to explore how you might be able to help others in small ways. 

I am thankful for the numerous people in our three levels of government, our healthcare institutions, our community and social services who are all working extra hard to ensure that all of us are safe, healthy and well.  I trust our systems work.

COV ID 19 is certainly unexpected & serious.  Panic is a waste of energy.  Prevention, good judgement, concern and care for our vulnerable and practising patience are better uses of time.  

Wishing all of the amazing, talented people who are seeking new jobs will receive kindness, a wee bit of time to share a few words of wisdom from workplace decision makers and most of all good health and a new job soon! 

Be well,

Lynn McCabe, Career Management Consultant

Lynn McCabe

Earning the reputation for being a strategic thinker, resourceful, the giver of feedback and above all, fearless, she is a Career Consultant.  For 24 years, guiding, advising, coaching and consulting to help people and businesses address situations, strategize for the future as they engage in the world of work.

Losing your job during a global crisis….