Labour Market Profiles
Over 20 years of experience delving deep to gather relevant insights and data in all career fields and industry sectors to develop clear, detailed profiles about career opportunities within specific geographic locations. This area of expertise benefits employers during competitive talent recruitment processes for the candidate’s partner and when people experience injury or illness and need to shift career direction.
Presentations / Workshops
Presentations include Taking Control of Your Career, Building Relationships, Personal Effectiveness, Creating Winning Resumes, Aligning Career Growth with an Organizations Strategic Plans.
Job Search Workshops including: Personal Preparation, Creating your Marketing Materials (Resumes etc), Designing your Job Search Strategy, Interview Preparation & Offer Negotiation.
Skilled Trades / Apprenticeship Outreach
Sharing information about the multitude of opportunities within the skilled trades. Participating in research, needed organizational culture shifts and campaigning to increase engagement in skilled trades
I can engage and recruit employers to participate in the development of our skilled trades talent (with a particular preference for actively addressing barriers to entry, retention and well-being for women pursuing careers in trades and technology)